Välkomna på docentföreläsning i Visualisering och medieteknik!

Tekn. dr. Karljohan Lundin Palmerius, ITN, föreläser måndagen den 27 november kl 13:30 över ämnet ”Touching the world: interactive and multisensory visualization”.


Using advanced visualization we can navigate and explore data and scenes to gain insight and understanding, or simply for the experience, which has many applications in research, industry, games and education. Immersive techniques, such as virtual and augmented reality, can further enhance experience and engagement but also, through its natural three dimensional form, make clearer impression of complex structures and provide better spatial understanding. We can use our body coordination and work with intuitive navigation and interaction.

The display technology is our medium that, in one direction, transmits visual representations of virtual data and, in the other direction, interprets our intentions through metaphors for manipulation and activation of buttons and controls. Touch screens have their gestures while virtual reality controllers use three-dimensional movements and buttons to select, move or navigate. More advanced interfaces can even display haptic features such as texture, weight and hardness through motorized hand controllers, but also provide guidance and support. The technologies we use offer opportunities, but at the same time poses challenges – how we represent data and how we interact with the application.

In this lecture we look at research and application in immersive visualization techniques where the user can also use immersive interaction and feel natural feedback from different types of visualizations, and how application and implementation affect and are influenced by cross-modal effects and perception.




Domteatern, Visualiseringscenter C, Campus Norrköping


Tekniska fakultetskollegiet